In focus

OEBERGS in Almedalen


Most law firms pride themselves with the prefix “full service“. This is an invented ribbon in the legal field with no straightforward meaning. For most firms it seems more to describe cross-sectional branch awareness than the firms’ actual range of services. Indeed, to this date, OEBERGS is one of few Swedish law firms which provides communication services as a part of our branch offering. Our representation at this year’s Almedalen arrangement highlighted why this service is necessary and why it should be a part of all “full service“ law firms’ client offer.

First, law - especially law related to infrastructure - is an interdiciplinary field. It combines knowledge about public sector activity with awareness on business- and industry activity. To have the best branch awareness it is thus necessary to maintain a communications component to one’s legal services. During our participation at Almedalen, OEBERGS had the opportunity to meet with many key stakeholders in Sweden’s infrastructure sector, and to gather valuable updates on the state of current and upcoming projects. This awareness will be important to make educated judgements and to enhance the value of our current services.

Furhermore, a lot of work in our field, we have noticed, includes building bridges between key agents. Successful infrastructure projects require many individuals’ engegement, understanding and participation. During OEBERGS representation at the Almedalen week, we were fortunate to further projects and create mutual understanding in ways which had not been possible without direct interaction with and coordination of the key participants.

In contrast to most other legal firms, OEBERGS also strives to assist clients through the entire process - from paper to finished product. As we are careful with facts facts and figures, and as we value integrity thorughout this process, we are reluctant to rely on independent consultancy firms when it comes to spreading information on behalf on our clients. During our activity in Almedalen, OEBERGS was happy to see the advantage of this policy, as we could be directly responsible for the information provided.

We would like to thank clients and partners for including OEBERGS’ communications department at this year’s Almedalen arrangement. As we know that communication enhances the legal branch at large, we are looking forward to seeing more “full service“ law firms at next year’s event.

Rebecka Oberg