In focus

Winds of change in the municipal veto right


Advokatfirman Oebergs lauds the Swedish government’s new initiative to review the municipalities’ veto right on wind power construction. This veto power - which allows municipalities to rule out wind power projects - has for long been a blight on Europe’s otherwise most attractive wind energy market. If approved, the removal of this veto power will have substantial advantages for new and existing developers on the Swedish wind energy market:

Increased predictability
Clear regulatory guidelines contribute to a stable and predictable market in which the financial community - domestic international - feels comfortable investing. A cancelled municipal veto will provide more predictability, consistency and accountability - all of which are essential in the future development of wind power.

Greater selection of wind energy locations
Sweden is fortunate to have technological development, infrastructure and favourable wind conditions for wind power available in vast parts throughout the country. Through a cancelled municipal veto power, more areas favourable for wind power establishment may become available for consideration.

Shorter processing time
The current permission process, which requires a municipal assessment, makes the licensing process for permit application time consuming. A change in this regulation will reduce the number of appeal bodies and thus simplify and shorten the processing time for wind power installation.

Advokatfirman Oebergs welcomes the Swedish Government’s initiative to review the current veto process, which would enshrine Sweden’s position as Europe’s number one hot spot for wind energy, and the loadstar in sustainable public governance. The Government will submit a review on the matter in July 2021, and in the meantime, Advokatfirman Oebergs will provide continuous insight to partners and clients on what way the wind is blowing.

Rebecka Oberg